Monday, May 15, 2023

Rahul Gandhi victory in Karnataka

मैंने last year बोला था कि राहुल की भारत जोड़ो यात्रा "एक ज्योतिषी उपाय" के रूप में काम करेगी। जैसे मैंने कहा था की उन की कुंडली में राज भंग योग की भरमार है लेकिन यहां यात्रा उपाय की तरह काम करके कुछ कद बढ़ायेगी। आज कर्णाटक का रिजल्ट इस बात को इंगित कर रहा है। उपाय से कुंडली की कमजोरी पूरी तरह नष्ट नहीं होती लेकिन कुछ तो राहत देती है।

लिंक दिया है जहा मैंने राहुल जी की कुंडली पर चर्चा की है।

Dr Vijay Goel
Astrologer and Vastukar
25+ yrs experience

Monday, November 28, 2022

राहुल गाँधी की भारत जोड़ो यात्रा

 Activity ही आप की remedy है :

राहुल गाँधी की भारत जोड़ो यात्रा में इनका नया रूप देख कर मुझे एक महत्वूर्ण योग याद आ गया जो उन की कुंडली में भी है।
आज में आपको यह बताना चाहता हु की कैसे कोई activity राजभंग योग को राज योग में परिवर्तित कर सकती है, जो आप खुद देखेंगे , अनुभव करेंगे।
राहुल गाँधी तुला लग्न में पैदा हुवे गुरु शनि के axis में है।
राज घराने का सुख उन के लग्न त्रिकोण में बैठे ग्रह गुरु राहु सूर्य मंगल में दिया। लेकिन काम त्रिकोने में बैठे ग्रह चंद्र नीच का शनि और केतु ने राजभंग भी दिया। इस तरह के योग बड़ा से बड़ा योग भंग कर देते है। मुझे बहुत कम उम्मीद थी की राहुल गाँधी कुछ बड़ा कर पाएंगे। इन के नेतृत्व में पार्टी में बहुत बड़ी गिरावट आयी। योग का पूर्ण असर सब ने देखा।
अब 2022 की शुरुवात से राहु की महादशा और गुरु की अन्तर्दशा लगी। हालांकि गुरु तुला लग्न में योगकारक ग्रह नहीं होता है लेकिन गुरु अपने मूल स्वाभाव से जातक का भला जरूर करता है। ध्यान रहे गुरु तीसरे और छठे घर का मालिक है जो राजनीती में "शत्रु पर हमला बोलने का प्रयास" को इंगित करता है । देखे कैसे गुरु ने योजना दी।
1) पहले दाढ़ी वाली भेजभूषा जो exactly चंद्र शनि केतु को represent करती है यानि इन तीनो ग्रहो को अपने पक्ष में किया। यह ग्रह जो राजभंग दे रहे थे उन को अब राजयोग दिलवाने के लिए बाधित करना है। भंग करने वालो ग्रहो को अपने पक्ष में किया।
2) रोज़ाना के 25 से ज्यादा किलोमीटर की पैदल यात्रा third house तो पूर्ण activate करती है, जहा चंद्र बैठे है। यात्रा में लोगो से मिलना यानि चंद्र द्वारा सूर्य मंगल को activate करना यानि भाग्य को त्रीव रूप से प्रबल करना है ।
3) यह पूरी ACTIVITY काम त्रिकोण और धर्म त्रिकोण को activate करती है। राहुल गाँधी के जीवन में बहुत बड़ा परिवर्तन देगी , एक मजबूत शक्शियत के रूप में उभरे गे। नई पहचान बनेगी।
कर्म उपाय ही है। activity उपाय ही है। आप सब देख पाएंगे की कैसे यह यात्रा इन के जीवन में एक मील का पत्थर साबित होंगी।
विजय गोयल

Just saw one video:
STATEMNT ""भाईसाहब, राहुल गाँधी को मैंने पीछे छोड़ दिया है ""

See the change how planets bring in.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Career and Saturn in Nadi Astrology

 Sapta Rishis

Technique 4:
Planets in 6 8 or 12 from Saturn can cause downfall in career

Kindly post your experiences in this regard.

· ·
November 21, 2013 at 6:54pm

Veejay Goel

I have something to add..
I have read that; considering Saturn house as ascendent... it shows past life deeds \ details.., therefore it manifest in our present as impediment or success.
Therefore :
1) 10H\L from Saturn indicate success in career.
2) 3\6\8\12 indicate failure or impediments.
3) Planets in quadrant and trines support the positive events.
What i feel that Houses from Ascendent which involves 3\6\8\12 from Saturn, those activities should be avoided in career term. The planets in this houses will gives insights for failure in career.
If 10L from Ascendent is Not 3\6\8\12 from Saturn, native is destined for huge success.


November 22, 2013 at 9:28pm


Very Old post from facebook, i have discussed long time back.

Vijay Goel

Thursday, December 23, 2021





The Birth Nakshatra of the Grahas as per Vayu Puran
1. Vivasvan, the son of Aditi, the first among the planets, ie. the Sun-god, was born under the constellation Visakha in the Caksusa Manvantara.
2. The brilliant Moon-god Visvavasu, the son of Dharma the cool-rayed maker of nights, was born under (the constellation) Krittika.
3. After the Sun, Sukra (Venus), son of Bhrigu, endowed with sixteen (16) rays, who is next to the Sun is the most excellent among constellations and planets. He is born in the constellation Tisya (Pusya).
4. The planet Brihaspati (Jupiter) of twelve (12) fiery flames, who is the son of Angiras and is the preceptor of the universe was born under the constellation Phalguni (Purva Phalguni).
5. It is reported that the nine(9)-rayed, red-bodied planet (Mars), son of Prajapati, is born under the constellation Purvasadha.
6. The seven(7)-rayed planet, Saturn, son of the Sun, is born under the constellation Revati.
7. The planets harassing the Sun and the Moon (Rahu and Ketu) are also born under the constellation Revati.
"These stars and planets beginning with Sukra (Venus) should be comprehended (properly) because they attain evil propensities when the constellation of NATIVITY is AFFLICTED. They are affected by that defect (and are redeemed) due to devotion to the planets." ~ Vayu Puran

The last verse of Vayu Puran is very important one. Read that atleast 5 times to comprehend the birth nakshatra of the grahas.

Best Wishes
Astrologer Vijay Goel
WhatsApp 8003004666

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Importance of Dakshina

 *दक्षिणा का महत्व*

ब्राह्मणों की दक्षिणा हवन की पूर्णाहुति करके एक मुहूर्त ( 24 ) मिनट के अन्दर दे देनी चाहिये , अन्यथा मुहूर्त बीतने पर 100 गुना बढ जाती है , और तीन रात बीतने पर एक हजार , सप्ताह बाद दो हजार ,महीने बाद एक लाख , और संवत्सर बीतने पर तीन करोड गुना यजमान को देनी होती है । यदि नहीं दे तो उसके बाद उस यजमान का कर्म निष्फल हो जाता है , और उसे ब्रह्महत्या लग जाती है , उसके हाथ से किये जाने वाला हव्य - कव्य देवता और पितर कभी प्राप्त नहीं करते हैं । इसलिए ब्राह्मणों की दक्षिणा जितनी जल्दी हो देनी चाहिये ।
👆यह जो कुछ भी कहा है सबका शास्त्रोॆ में प्रमाण है ।👇
मुहूर्ते समतीते तु , भवेच्छतगुणा च सा ।
त्रिरात्रे तद्दशगुणा , सप्ताहे द्विगुणा मता ।।
मासे लक्षगुणा प्रोक्ता ,ब्राह्मणानां च वर्धते ।
संवत्सर व्यतीते तु , त्रिकोटिगुणा भवेत् ।।
कर्म्मं तद्यजमानानां , सर्वञ्च निष्फलं भवेत् ।
सब्रह्मस्वापहारी च , न कर्मार्होशुचिर्नर: ।।
🚩इसलिए चाणक्य ने कहा """नास्ति यज्ञसमो रिपु: """ मतलब यज्ञादि कर्म विधि से सम्पन्न हो तब लाभ अन्यथा सबसे बडे शत्रु की तरह है ।
🚩गीता में स्वयं भगवान ने कहा 👇
विधिहीनमसृष्टान्नं , मन्त्रहीनमदक्षिणम् ।
श्रद्धाविरहितं यज्ञं , तामसं परिचक्षते ।।
🚩बिना सही विधि से बनाया भोजन जैसे परिणाम में नुकसान करता है , वैसे ही ब्राह्मण के बोले गये मन्त्र दक्षिणा न देने पर नुकसान करते हैं ।
🚩शास्त्र कहते हैं लोहे के चने या टुकडे भी व्यक्ति पचा सकता है परन्तु ब्राह्मणों के धन को नहीं पचा सकता है ।किसी भी उपाय से ब्राह्मणों का धन लेने वाला हमेशा दु:ख ही पाता है । इस पर एक कहानी सुनाता हूँ शास्त्रों में वर्णित 👇
🚩 महाभारत का युद्ध चल रहा था , युद्ध के मैदान में सियार , आदि हिंसक जीव योद्धाओं के गरम -२ खून को पी रहे थे , इतने में ही धृष्टद्युम्न ने तलवार से पुत्रशोक से दु:खी निशस्त्र द्रोणाचार्य की गर्दन काट दी । तब द्रोणाचार्य के गरम -२ खून को पीने के लिए सियारिन दौडती है , तो सियार अपनी सियारिन से कहता है 👇
🚩प्रिये """ विप्ररक्तोSयं गलद्दगलद्दहति """
👆यह ब्राह्मण का खून है इसे मत पीना , यह शरीर को गला- गला कर नष्ट कर देगा । तब उस सियारिन ने भी ब्राह्मण द्रोणाचार्य का रक्तपान नहीं किया ।
🚩ऋषि - मुनियों का कर के रुप में खून लेने पर ही रावण के कुल का संहार हो गया ।इसलिए जीवन में कभी भी ब्राह्मणों के द्रव्य का अपहरण किसी भी रुप में नहीं करना चाहिये ।
🚩वित्तशाट्ठ्यं न कुर्वीत, सति द्रव्ये फलप्रदम ।
अनुष्ठान , पाठ - पूजन जब भी करवायें ब्राह्मणों को उचित दक्षिणा देनी चाहिये , और दक्षिणा के अतिरिक्त उनके आने - जाने का किराया आदि -२ पूछकर अलग से देना चाहिये ।
🚩उसके बाद विनम्रता से ब्राह्मणों की वचनों द्वारा भी सन्तुष्टि करते हुए आशीर्वाद देना चाहिये , ऐसा करने पर ब्राह्मण मुँह से नहीं बल्कि हृदय से आशीर्वाद देता है , और तब यजमान का कल्याण होता है ।
🚩यत्र भुंड्क्ते द्विजस्तस्मात् , तत्र भुंड्क्ते हरि: स्वयम् ।।
*_👆 जिस घर में इस तरह श्रद्धा से ब्राह्मण भोजन करवाया जाता है , वहाँ ब्राह्मण के रुप में स्वयं भगवान ही भोजन करते हैं । इत्यलम् - बहुत बडा हो जायेगा । धन्यवाद , पढें और आचरण भी करे ।*
जय श्री कृष्णा जय जगन्नाथ

Monday, November 22, 2021

A brief note on Sages and Siddhars of Bharatvarsh

 A brief note on Sages & Siddhars of Bharatvarsh :-

● Siva-Sati Samvad or Agama-Nigama vaarta, was the main starting content of all Shastras, Siddhantas & Abhaysas (Kriyas). That was spread as, from Adi Pita & Adi Mata > Nandi Devar > Bhrugu & Agathiyar > North & South India.... ● Mount Vindhya was the border marking area between North & South India which were know as Bramhavarta & Dakshinatya respectively. ● There ware 2 sets of Saptarushis under super vision by Bhrugu & Agathiyar respectively for North & South India. Bramhavidya of Lord Siva was spreaded in North by Sage Bhrugu & Agathiyar done the same in South. ● 2 different sets of Saptarishis :- A). Bhrugu, Angirasa, Atri, Kashyapa, Vasishta, Agathiyar and Vishwamitra B). Agathiyar, Atri, Songinar, Narada, Jayamuni, Vasistha & Vishwamitra ◆ Our Indian culture has been developed and spreaded by their Gurukulas & Descendants or Shisyas to the Bramhavarta & Dakshinatya respectively. ◆ These enlightened people, In North known as "Rishi" & in South they use to address as "Siddhars". ◆ There were 2 sets of Rishis or Siddhars having total 18 enlightened people each side. From them we got all Shatras, Siddhantas & Kriyas. We Indian are addressed as "Rishi-Putras" & Our Clan & DNA has been encoded as "Vansh, Gotra & Pravar". All are related to Them through our Parampara. ◆ The 18 Siddha Purusha of both side named as :- A) North/Bramhavartya/Panch-Gauda = 1. Jamadagni, 2. Vitahavya, 3. Grutsamada, 4. Vadhrashwa, 5. Vainya, 6. Gautama, 7. Bharadhwaja, 8. Kapi, 9. Kanva, 10. Mudgala, 11. Virupa, 12. Harita, 13. Vishnuvruddha, 14. Kashyapa, 15. Atri, 16. Vasishta, 17. Agathiyar, 18. Vishwamitra. B). South/Dakshinatya/Panch-Dravida = 1. Agathiyar, 2. Bogar, 3. Therayer, 4. Nandidevar, 5. Thiroomular, 6. Konganar, 7. Machhamuni, 8. Korakkar, 9. Sattimuni, 10. Sundarnar, 11. Ramadevar, 12. Kudambai, 13. Edaikadar, 14. Azhuganni, 15. Karurvoorar, 16. Agapai, 17. Kagapujendar, 18. Pambatti. N.B. - Interestingly lots of name between North & South India are common, may they have established their gurukulas in both part of India or their descendants switched over. Anyway the fact is that these are the mostly recommend names by scholars. By whom our great culture is flowing decades after decades, in the name of Vedas-Vedangas-Vedantas-Upanishadas-Yogas-Jyotisha-Tantra-Mantra-Yantra-Ayurvedas-Shankhyas-Darshanas-Smrities-Niruktas-Chandyas-Sangeet-Maramvedanas-Astravidyas etc. Hope this post will help my friends & followers to know the rich history of Hinduism at a glance. Balaji Bless you all....🙌 From the great Nadi astrologer Shri A V Sundaram ji. This year, he suffered a cardiac arrest in the early hours on 26 April 2021 following which he departed this world.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Astrology in Ramayana

Some of the references of Astrology in Ramayana :-

1. "After 12 months Queen Kousalya gave birth to Shree Rama, the universal God, in the month of Chaitra on Shukla Navami day, in Punarvasu star in 'Kark Lagna' (Cancer Ascendant) with Jupiter (exalted) with Moon, Sun, Mars, Venus and Saturn also being exalted."
Bharatha was born in the star Pushyami in Meena Lagna.
The twins Laxmana and Shatrughna were born in the star Aslesha in Karkata Lagna on the next day”.
2. The marriage of Sri Rama and his brothers was performed in Uttara Phalguni star.
King Janak tells the sages Vasistha and Viswamitra the following:-
“Uttara Phalguni star is tomorrow. This star is proclaimed as very auspicious for marriage by the learned”.
Conventially, Marriage of the children of the same parents in the same Lagna and at the same venue is prohibited.
However, Shree Rama and Bharatha were from different mothers, so the above probihition was not valid.
For Laxmana and Shatrughan, the mother was same, but the Navamsa Lagna is different. So, this was acceptable.
3. For the coronation of Sri Rama, king Dasaratha informs sage Vasistha,
“Tomorrow will be Pushyami star, very auspicious for the coronation of Sri Rama as the prince. Please make arrangements for same.”
4. After the coronation of Shree Rama was announced, Dasaratha describes an omen, his stars, planetary positions to Shree Rama.
“Rama! I have a nightmare, meteors falling with a thunderous sound.
O Rama! my birth star (Rewati) is occupied with the planets Surya, Kuja (Mars) and Rahu.
Normally, the king will either die or face a dangerous situation.
Today the moon has risen in the Punarvasu star.
Tomorrow will be Pushyami which is specific for this auspicious function.
So better get ready for the coronation and observe the required rituals”.
5. When Shree Rama was asked to go to the forests and Laxmana gets furious,
Shree Rama pacifies him in saying,
“Happiness and grief, peace and anger, profit and loss, sailing and drowning, all kinds of mistakes happen as per praarabdha (destiny).
One has to understand the secret of this and conduct himself to make one’s life happy and peaceful”.
6. A bird (Jatayu) tells Shree Rama, "Ravana has taken away your consort, Sita in the Vinda muhurtha. The person who steals another person’s possession in this Muhurtha, will not be able to retain same with him or enjoy same. The owner will get back the possession. Ravana did not think about this while taking away Sita. He will definitely perish like a fish caught in the hook.”
7. A demon Kabandha, after being killed becomes a divine personality, tells Shree Rama as to what one should do when he is going through a bad (dasa) period.
He hints about Sugriva, stating that “one who is afflicted by a bad dasa will get relief with the help of another who is in similar state. Rama’s wife was stolen by Ravana and Sugriva’s wife also was taken away by Baali. So both are facing identical problems. Rama is nearing the end of his bad dasa. So also is Sugriva. So their friendship will be beneficial to both of them."
8. Valmiki describes the fight between Baali and Sugriva as a fight between Kuja (Mars) and Budha (Mercury).
When Baali was killed, there was the solar eclipse on that day.
9. The muhurtha for starting from Kishkindha to Lanka for the battle has been fixed by Shree Rama. He says,
"O Sugriva, now the sun is in the mid heaven and the muhurtha is Vijaya . So let us start our journey now.
Today is Uttaraphalguni star and tomorrow will be Hastha star. Let us start with Monkey/ Vaanar army”.
10.There is a reference to lunar eclipse when Lord Hanuman spots Sita in Ashok Vatika.
11. There is reference of the solar eclipse at the time of war with Khar-Dushan in later half of 13th year of Shree Ram’s stay in the forests.
Valmiki mentioned that it was Amavasya day and planet Mars was in the middle.
On one side were Mercury, Venus and Jupiter and on the other side were Sun, Moon and Saturn.
12. After the death of Indrajit, the grief-stricken Ravana, in a fit of anger heads to kill Sita. At that time, his minister by name Suparsa advises him,
“You get the army ready today, the chaturdasi day of Krishna Paksha.
Tomorrow is Amaavasya when you should go to fight Rama to gain victory”.
Amaavasya is good for demons and bad for others. Hence Rama finds it very difficult to kill Ravana.
13. At last stage of the battle, sage Agastya advises him to repeat some mantras with devotion for victory over Ravana...
14. There is reference of Ravana coming out for the final battle on the Amavasya day, eventually killed.
In the description of the battle, Sage Valmiki mentioned, "Vishakha is aspected by Mars from the forth sight while in Pushya"..
15. Shree Ram completed 14 years of exile on Navami of Shukla Paksha in Chaitra month..

Astrologer Dr Vijay Goel